Guest Post: Leadership is Creative from Greg Richardson
I am honored to have a guest post today from a friend, Greg Richardson, who truly knows the value of the quiet and being comfortable in your own skin. He reminds me often that the more we learn about...
View ArticleLeaders: Is Your Team Bored and Just Along for the Ride?
Whenever we get in the car, my children have about a 20-minute limit before they start to ask the dreaded “Are we there yet?“ question. It’s dreaded because clearly, we’re not there, or even close,...
View ArticleLeadership Fail: Move it! Faster! Now!
We had just left the kids’ classrooms to head to the car when the rain started to fall. The drops came so slowly at first that I wasn’t even sure it was raining. With each step, more drops began to...
View ArticleSpeaking Up for Leaders: How to Have Difficult Conversations
I’ve been following Michelle Mazur for a long time on social media and have always been impressed with her wit and deep expertise in public speaking. While this post is far from funny, I’m honored to...
View ArticleHow to Remove Frustration and Invite Connection
I thought I was dying. The pain in my arm had been there for days and even though it was my right, not my left, I still worried about heart attack, blood clots and other terrible conditions. After...
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